
Welcome to our newsroom page, your one-stop destination for the latest updates, corporate news, a photo gallery and valuable general information. Stay informed and up to date with our dynamic news section, immerse yourself in the world of Flying Tiger Copenhagen through photos and discover a wealth of important details to satisfy your curiosity.

October 4, 2021
Flying Tiger Copenhagen has committed to the Science Based Targets initiative’s highest standard and has hereby pledged to deliver on the Paris Agreement.

February 10, 2021
The Danish investment company, Treville, takes over Flying Tiger Copenhagen from Lennart Lajboschitz and the Swedish investment organisation, EQT.

Curious about our sourcing or how we design our stores? Read all about our business model here.

Take a deep dive into our current key figures and read the 3 latest annual reports right here.

This is Flying Tiger Copenhagen’s board members and executive management.

Have you always wondered what our headquarters or our stores look like?

Are you as fascinated by our logos as we are? Check out our funny logos here.

Did you know that some of our products are so popular that you can buy them all year round?

Press and PR:



We focus on three fundamental pillars in our sustainability strategy: products, operations and people.

If you want to get to know us a little better, we’d love to share our story.



FSC icon
Sustainable forests

When you choose FSC®-certified goods, you support the responsible use of the world's forests, and you help to take care of the animals and people who live in them. Look for the FSC mark on our products and read more at